Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My First Tournament Battle Report 1250 CSM vs Necrons

Alright, I decided the only way I was going to be able to smooth out the rough edges in my understanding of the 40K game rules as well as my strategy and tactics was to plunge into the deep end by playing in a local tournament. So on the first Sunday morning of the year, I made up an army list, gathered my models, and headed out the door.

Game 1

In Game 1 Typhus got the Psychic Powers Life Leech (this tournament's games were played before I reread that Typhus can only take PP from the Nurgle line) & Gift of Contagion. As for Gifts of Mutation, Damocles got Stubborn, Ebenezar got Icy Aura and Yuri got Venomous. Unfortunately, I didn't record which Warlord Trait my opponent rolled. Below is the list I fielded.

1248 total pts


230 Typhus


74 Plague Zombies +6 cultists

280 Plague Marines +2 Plague Marines, Meltagun x2, Power Fist, Icon of Despair, Melta Bombs, Combi-Melta, Gift of Mutation, Vets of the Long War x8

290 Plague Marines +2 Plague Marines, Plasma Gun x2, Power Fist, Icon of Despair, Melta Bombs, Combi-Plasma, Gift of Mutation, Vets of the Long War x8

Fast Attack

215 Chaos Bikers  +2 Bikers, Meltagun x2, Combi-Melta, Power Sword, Melta Bombs, Mark of Nurgle, Icon of Despair, Gift of Mutation, Vets of the Long War x5


79 Obliterator  Mark of Nurgle, Vets of the Long War x3

79 Obliterator Mark of Nurgle, Vets of the Long War x3

My first opponent was a veteran 40K player who fielded a nasty Necron list.


1250 total pts


150 Overlord Mindshackle Scarabs, Sempiternal Weave, Resurrection Orb

60 Royal Court Harbinger of Despair, Abyssal Staff, Veil of Darkness


180 Warriors with Ghost Ark

180 Warriors with Ghost Ark 

260 Warriors x20


150 Triarch Stalker 


90 Annihilation Barge

90 Annihilation Barge

90 Annihilation Barge

I didn't record which Missions we played (this tournament had multiple for each game) and since each game was timed, I didn't take as many notes or pictures as I normally would have for the battle report.


In Turn 1, one of the Necron Ghost Arks got immobilized in difficult terrain and disembarked its troops towards an objective. The Annihilation Barges and Triarch Stalker moved towards center of the map. I moved Damocles' unit of Plague Marines and Yuri with his bikers out, keeping Ebenezar's unit at an objective with a single Obliterator to support, Typhus and the Plague Marines hung back with another objective.


The Bikers got destroyed in Turn 2. Even with Toughness 6, those guys can get mowed down pretty quickly. The Obliterator on the ground got taken out in Turn 4, but my Obliterator in the Ruins took out a Ghost Ark in Turn 5. My favorite part of the battle was when Damocles' unit got in close combat with the Triarch Stalker. Several turns passed with that close combat battle and while I would take a casualty every turn, I had the rest of the unit tying up that Stalker until the game ended.


Final Thoughts 

In retrospect, I should have moved out with Ebenezar's unit, since they had the Meltaguns. Typhus and the Zombies didn't get to do much hanging back with the 3 point objective. Lastly, I should have had Damocles use his Melta Bombs on the Triarch Stalker. All in all though, it was a fun game, I scored 7 points to my opponent's 11 points, and I added a third game notch to my belt. See you on the battlefield!

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