Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Tournament Game 3 Battle Report 1250 CSM vs. CSM

Game 3 

In Game 3, Typhus received the Psychic Powers Weapon Virus & Endurance (made a mistake with Psychic Powers in this tournament and forgot Typhus can only select from the Nurgle line). As for Gifts of Mutation, Damocles got All-Consuming Hatred, Ebenezar got Witch-Eater & Yuri was blessed with a Mind of Metal. My opponent was running a CSM army with Khârn the Betrayer as the leader, and he had done an awesome job painting up his army in pre-heresy colors. His Khorne Berzerker Champion received the Venemous gift and his Chaos Space Marine Champ could reroll failed armor saves.

1250 total pts


160 Khârn the Betrayer


140 Chaos CultistsFlamer x2

220 Khorne Berzerkers Gift of Mutation, Melta Bombs, Power Sword, Veterans of the Long War

270 Chaos Space Marines with Rhino Mark of Khorne, Plasma gun


210 Obliterator +2

250 Chaos Land Raider Dirge Caster, Dozer Blade, Extra Armor


For the final game of the tournament we were playing with components of the Scouring and Purge missions. In Turn 1 I had Damocles' & Ebenezar's Unit of Plague Marines at 2 of the Objectives and Typhus with the Plague Zombies at a third. My Obliterators were accompanying Damocles on the 2nd floor of Ruins and fired a couple Plasma Cannon shots at the Chaos Cultists who were sitting on an Objective. My Chaos Bikers were by Ebenezar's Unit ready to charge out. My opponent moved up on the board towards me but no casualties were had on either side, though a wound was given to 1 of my Obliterators.


That quickly changed in Turn 2. My Obliterators blew up the Rhino carrying the CSM getting me First Blood. In response my opponent fired and Assaulted my Bikers, killing a good number of them as Yuri issued a challenge and defeated the Khorne Berzerker champion, receiving Icy Aura from the Chaos Boon Table.


In Turn 3 my Biker squad was quickly cleared out as Khârn challenged Yuri and easily ended him. My Obliterators were glancing the Land Raider, but not doing much more. The Land Raider and my opponent's Obliterators had been firing at my Obliterators the whole game, and were getting a wound a turn which Typhus was able to remove by alternating Endurance casts on whichever Oblit was wounded.


Turn 4 Khârn and his Berzerkers Assaulted Damocles' Unit with The Betrayer issuing a Challenge to Damocles, who quickly died. My options were low, as I couldn't move out to face the Land Raider and wasn't in range with Ebenezar's Unit to do any good.


The game ended in Turn 5 when the rest of Damocles' Unit was killed as were the Obliterators. My opponent scored 8 VP to my 5.

Final Thoughts 

I probably shouldn't have left Typhus with the Plague Zombies again, he's a ton of points and was useless except for casting Endurance (which I shouldn't have had anyhow). I'm revising my strategy with Typhus for my next games before I alter my list. Additionally, I should have put Ebenezar's Unit in the Ruins with the 2 Meltaguns and Combi-Melta that unit had. Fun match and an awesome day playing 3 games against some fearsome armies. Until next time, see you on the battlefield!

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