Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Assembling my forces' new addition

The last Heavy in my army is under construction.


Got this big guy fully assembled and primed. I wanted to make it look like the Maulerfiend is in motion.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Project Progress Report

Been a busy few days. As mentioned in previous posts I've constructed and am in the process of painting 2 Predator Tanks and 2 Heldrakes. So let's start with the Predators. I've added a few layers and shades to both tanks to make them look like they've been through the Warp and back. One of the tanks has some Green Stuff on it that I'm painting up to look like severe infections. I'm not sold on the scheme so far and am still experimenting. Check them out.

Next up on the to do list were the Heldrakes. I wanted to be able to differentiate the Heldrakes at a glance, so while the Baleflamer Heldrake was painted up with Loren Forest, Sycorax Bronze, and Seraphim Sepia; the Autocannon Heldrake was painted with Death World Forest, Warplock Bronze, and Biel-Tan Green. Funny thing about Biel-Tan green, it took most of the Warplock Bronze right off when I washed it on, so I had to repaint the Bronze. Ate a bit more time, but the Autocannon Heldrake was worth it.

Lastly, since one of the major issues with my Typhus army was how elite it was which resulted in too few boots on the ground, I've decided to try out a heavy force of Chaos Cultists. I've got just shy of 80 so far with 19 more in my to do box. There's still a ton to do though, as I've got one more Heavy slot to fill and then need to paint up the rabble, as well as get some work done on my bikes and the new Chaos Lord they'll be rolling with. And all that needs to be assembled with some color on by the tournament on 3/3. Until the next time, see you on the battlefield!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A wind of plague blows in aka a solution to fliers + infantry

Have constructed 2 models and primed one Heldrake so far. The primed Heldrake has a Baleflamer and the newly constructed model sports an Autocannon. Once I get them painted they will be joining the new Nurgle ranks.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Woodsheddin' 2 Chaos Predator Tanks for my new list

Spending the next few hours on assembling, a little green stuffing and some painting on the Chaos Predator tanks that will be joining my roster. They'll be replacing my Obliterators as 2 of my Heavy support choices. So far I've fitted them with Lascannon sponsons and a Twin-linked Lascannon each. At their base cost, 5 points more than the price of a single Obliterator, I get a Predator. 65 additional points gets me 3 Lacannon shots. Efficiency in points is the name of the game to get as many models on the field as possible with my new list.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Thoughts on the tournament and moving forward

Ok, so I've played 4 games since my last Battle Report. Originally I had planned to write up a full report as I'd previously done, but the thing is, that eats a ton of time and effort. And that is time and effort I could spend on painting, modeling and planning. The point of this blog is to keep me focused, not on updating the blog but on getting my army as awesome as I can. As such, I will only be writing up full Battle Reports on specific games. For this entry I'll just be discussing the last 4 games I was involved in, including the tournament on Sunday.

Before the tournament, I played an Eldar army that looked fantastic. It was obvious a lot of love and care went into painting the army, and my opponent had even used magnets on the figures to attach them to their base. Very cool looking stuff. Other than the Imperial Guard, I hadn't yet run into an army with as much shooting as the Eldar. They demolished my Quad-gun right out of the gate. They then moved in to get the Relic. I moved in with my Chaos Bikers and liberated the Relic from the Eldar's grasp. It was a short-lived victory, however, as the amount of shots the Eldar fired quickly whittled my army to ribbons. At the end of Turn 5, if the game had ended, the Chaos Space Marines would have carried the day. Sadly, that was not the case, and the Eldar left the battlefield triumphant in Turn 6.

The tournament was similar. It seems like the only way for a Chaos Space Marine list can be competitive, is to have 3 fliers, and flood the board with Units of 35 Cultists. I didn't want to be so cheesy, but the cost of the Plague Marines is just too high to have very many on the field and still have Heavy Support and Fast Attack options. The first 2 games of the tournament went fairly well. I lost both of them, but I took out some key Units and had fun. The third game was against another CSM force, and it was nasty. Heldrake, Landraider, Defiler, Daemon Prince, Khorne Berserkers, were all present and gave me a run for my money. My opponent in game 3 also did something I thought was very un-sportsman-like, but oh well. In the end, all three games were lost and I was 2nd to last place in the standings. It just doesn't seem like the list I've been nurturing can stand up to the lists being played in tournaments.

So, onto what can win. I've worked up a new list and have ordered a couple of models that should be here early next week. Once they get in, it'll be time to shift focus. I've enjoyed the Nurgle army I had, and for a fluff army it did ok. But I'm in it to win it. And the next Chaos Space Marine army I take to the local tournaments will be merciless. Until then, see you on the battlefield!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

New list for tomorrow's tournament and some quick modeling

I changed up my list recently and did a test run on Thursday. The new list fared a lot better than the previous list. So I'm going for the same list in tomorrow's tournament, which has a WYSIWYG rule. So I swapped arms off my Plasmagun holders and gave them Flamers. I grabbed a couple of Plague Marines with melted faces and gave them Plasmaguns, which seemed appropriate for a warrior wielding a weapon that Gets Hot. They're just lucky they have Feel No Pain. Then I added a little color to some of the models as well. Just little bits, but they're getting me closer to having the force I want both in play and look.

1849 total pts


230 pts Typhus


307 pts Plague Marines (x7) with Chaos Rhino (Havoc Launcher) Plasma gun (x2), Gift of Mutation, Melta Bombs, Power Fist (x1), Combi-Plasmagun, Veterans of the LongWar

297 pts Plague Marines (x7 with Chaos Rhino (Havoc Launcher) Meltagun (x2), Gift of Mutation, Melta Bombs, Power Fist (x1), Combi-Meltagun, Veterans of the LongWar

292 pts Plague Marines (x7) with Chaos Rhino (Havoc Launcher, Combi-Flamer) Flamer (x2), Gift of Mutation, Melta Bombs, Power Fist (x1), Combi-Flamer, Veterans of the LongWar

Fast Attack

244 pts Chaos Bikers (x7) Mark of Nurgle, Icon of Despair, Meltagun (x2), Gift of Mutation,
Melta Bombs, Veterans of the Long War

Heavy Support

237 pts Obliterator Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the Long War

142 pts Chaos Vindicator


100 pts Aegis Defence Lines Quad-gun

We'll see how this list does tomorrow.