Imperial Guard 1750 total Pts.
50 Company Command Squad HQ
90 Veteran Squad Troops Lascannon
155 Veteran Squad with Chimera Troops Meltagun x3
35 Platoon Command Squad Troops
50 Infantry Squad Troops
50 Infantry Squad Troops
130 Veteran Squad Troops Plasma Gun x2, Carapace Armor
75 Scouts Troops
100 Librarian Troops
140 Vendetta Fast Attack Heavy Bolters
135 Medusa Heavy
300 Leman Russ Battle Tank Heavy +1 tank
330 Leman Russ Demolisher Heavy +1 tank
110 Bastion Fortification Icarus Lascannon
Just seeing the amount of troops on the field my opponent had, the number of tanks, the flyer, the bastion...was a bit intimidating. I won the roll for deployment, but allowed my IG opponent to deploy first, which also meant he would go first when the game started. My plan was to see where he would fortify and where he planned to mobilize. The IG Warlord rolled for his Warlord Trait, getting Inspiring Presence. Typhus rolled for his psychic abilities and got Plague Wind from the Nurgle list and Iron Arm from the Biomancy list. However, here is where I made my first, of many, mistakes of the game, as my 2 Plague Marine and Biker Champions should have rolled for their Gifts of Mutation. I forgot to make this roll, and those points were sadly wasted. After setting up terrain we rolled on the mission and it ended up being Mission 1: Crusade. Since IG had deployed first, they could lay the first of five objectives down. Wouldn't you know it, 3 objectives ended on the IG side of the map, while only 2 were on the CSM side. We also rolled for Night fighting, and the dawn of this battle would be beneath the gloom of dark. Please excuse the poor-man's panoramic pictures. Had to string each one from 3 separate images at slightly different angles, but it should give a sense of how each turn played out.
Turn 1
The Imperial Guard focused a LOT of firepower on my Vindicator. First, the Demolisher Cannon got blown up. Shortly thereafter, the rest of the tank followed the cannon in a rain of sparks and shrapnel as the tank exploded, giving the Imperial Guard First Blood. Next, a single Plague Zombie was offed, followed by 3 Chaos Bikers. Toughness 6 wasn't standing up too well to the sheer amount of bullets and Las fire coming from the Guard's line. Finally, my Plasma Rhino suffered a Hull Point of damage. On my Turn, my Rhino carrying my Meltagun Plague Marines moved up to a nearby objective, disembarked and popped smoke. Typhus and the Plague Zombies stomped past the wrecked Vindicator towards the objective in the middle of my side of the board. My Rhino carrying Plasma Plague Marines moved up and popped smoke with the Chaos Bikers moving to the Rhino's right. My second mistake of the fight was not shooting the Twin-linked Boltguns on my bikes.Turn 2
Speaking of, 2 of those bikes died at the beginning of Turn 2. These were good bikes too, 1 of my Meltagun wielding bikes and the bike carrying the Icon of Despair fell hard. Then, 7 Plague Zombies returned to papa Nurgle, their maggot-filled corpses finally stilled. On my turn, my Deep Striking Obliterators came in, and landed just a couple inches from where I wanted to place them. My Chaos Bikers moved up next to the Obliterators and 3 of my opponent's tanks. Typhus activated Iron Arm and he and the Plague Zombies moved up to the objective their Slow and Purposeful butts couldn't reach in Turn 1. My Plasma Gun unit of Plague Marines disembarked from their Rhino and then revenge began. My Plague Marines Rapid Fired 2 Plasma Guns, 1 Combi-Plasma, and a bunch of Bolters into some Space Marine Snipers, killing 5 of them. My Obliterators caused one of the Leman Russ tanks to explode, which sadly also killed my Chaos Biker Champion, Yuri. The last Biker, luckily one of the 2 that had Meltaguns, unloaded into another tank in close range. It too blew up, but didn't hurt anything else.In retrospect, I realize I made a few errors on this turn. The first was putting my Obliterators and Bikes out in the middle of the field thinking they could weather the amount of fire that would be raining down next turn. My second was forgetting my Rhinos had Combi-Bolters, which didn't fire the entire game. My third, and possibly largest mistake of the game, was keeping Typhus, the Plague Zombies, and the Meltagun unit of Plague Marines at objectives instead of pushing with them.
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