Had my second game of 40K on Saturday evening in a pick-up game of 1,500 points. I fielded a pared down version of the same list I used in my first game, minus the Rhinos, the Vindicator and about a third of the Plague Zombies. Everything else remained the same for my Nurgle Chaos army. For Psychic powers, Typhus got Life Leech and Weapon Virus. For Gifts of Mutation, Damocles got Mechanoid, Ebenezar got nothing and Yuri got Feel No Pain. My opponent fielded the following Orks, with Strategic Genius as his Warlord trait.
Ghazghkull Thraka with an Ammo Runt, Cybork Body, Bosspole, Mega-Armour, Big Shoota, and Adamantium Skull
Warboss Power Klaw with an Ammo Runt, Twin-linked Shoota, Bosspole, Cybork Body
258 2 Squads of 14
Boyz 2 Big Shootas, and 2 Power Klaws and Boss Poles
111 1 Squad of 11 Boyz. 9 were basic, but their Sluggas and Choppas were upgraded to Shootas, Big Shoota, Nob with Power Klaw and Boss Pole
230 9
Nobz 1 Big Choppa, 1 Shoota/Skorcha Kombi-Weapon, 1 Shoota/Rokkit Kombi-Weapon, and 1 Painboy, Grot Orderly
Trukk Big Shoota, Red Paint, Boarding Plank, Wreckin' Ball, Reinforced Ram
150 2 Squads of 5
205 11
Stormboyz Boss Zagstruk with Cybork Body, Da Vulcha's Klaws
Fast Attack
135 1 squad of 3
Deffkoptaz Twin-linked Rokkit launchas
Turn 1
Orks went first, moved out, but didn't hit or wound any of the agents of Chaos. I moved my Bikes through Difficult Terrain and 1 failed the test, causing a wound and putting me down to 6 Bikes. The Plague Marines on the ground moved out at a run. Bikes shot at the Orks, killing a Big Shoota. Plague Marines missed their shots and caused no wounds. 1 Obliterator caused 1 Hull Point of damage on the Trukk.
Turn 2
Storm Boys and Deffkoptaz failed to come in from Reserves. 2 Plague Marines perished from random Ork shooting. My Bikes assaulted the Lootas, destroying them and getting First Blood. My Plague Marines and Obliterators got a few kills as well.
Turn 3
Ghazghkull killed 3 Plague Marines. Another Plague Marine fell. The Obliterators blew up the Trukk and the Bikers Assaulted the Nobs killing 4. The Plague Zombies and Typhus Assaulted Ghazghkull's Unit. As the Orks and Zombies pressed against each other Typhus unleashed his Destroyer Hive, killing most of the Plague Zombies and 3 of the Orks with Ghazghkull, the Ork Warlord himself took a few wounds. Typhus then challenged the Ghazghkull, who had failed his Leadership test when encountering the Lord of Terror, did not wound the Chaos Space Marine and Manreaper ended the Ork in a spray of crimson.
Turn 4
Bikers won the Assault with the Lootas and all but 1 Deffkopta was destroyed. My opponent conceded the game at that point.
Final Thoughts
Well, I remembered the Gifts of Mutation for my Plague Marine and Biker Champions. As a match-up the Orks are nowhere near as tough for Plague Marines to outshoot and win in Close Combat. Being able to have Typhus use his Destroyer Hive was awesome, even though I lost more models using it, it weakened Ghazghkull enough for Manreaper to finish him off. Was a fun game and my first win. I hope for a rematch with these Orks some time in the coming weeks. Until next time I see you on the battlefield!
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