Game 2
In the 2nd game Typhus got the following Psychic Powers: Gift of Contagion & Iron Arm (as with the first game, I forgot Typhus can only choose from the Nurgle list). For Gifts of Mutation, Damocles got Mind of Metal which confers the Adamantium Will Special Rule, Ebenezar received Warp Frenzy which gave him +1 Attacks & Yuri got Blade of Chaos which gave his Power Sword Fleshbane. Unfortunately I didn't get a copy of my opponents' army for Game 2 and my notes are fast and loose so I'll have to wing this Battle Report.1188 total pts
160 Huron Blackheart
175 Chaos Space Marines x9 Mark of Khorne, Icon of Wrath, 1 Meltagun
175 Chaos Space Marines x9 Mark of Khorne, Icon of Wrath, 1 Meltagun
63 Chaos Cultists x10 Autogun x8, Heavy Stubber
100 Helbrute
Fast Attack
170 Heldrake Baleflamer
170 Heldrake Baleflamer
175 Forgefiend Hades Autocannon
The main mission for this game was Relic with a second element of Big Guns Never Tire (5 Objectives). My opponent went first, had his CSM with Huron Blackheart claim an Objective with a CSM Unit turtling at another. The Forgefiend and Helbrute stomped onto the middle of the board towards the Relic. On my turn, I used the Plague Marines to hold 2 of the Objectives with my Obliterators on the 2nd floor of Ruins which managed to hit 1 of the Heldrakes, destroying its Baleflamer. Typhus and the Plague Zombies moved out slowly and were able to Assault the Helbrute, which the Lord of Terror quickly destroyed, netting me First Blood.
The Heldrakes came onto the field in Turn 2 and they decimated my Plague Marines & Zombies. The Forgefiend destroyed a good number of Plague Zombies as well. The Unit of CSM my Bikers were moving towards opened fire and killed all the Bikers but the Champion, Yuri, who made his Leadership test and didn't run away. On my turn the PZs moved with Typhus towards the relic, which one of the risen dead picked up. Fire was exchanged with my Obliterators at the Forge Fiend and a Glancing hit was made. I moved out with 1 of my Plague Marine Units to back Typhus and crew up.
In Turn 3 my opponent roasted all but 2 of the Plague Marines which had moved out, as well as the Plague Zombie that had the Relic. Huron Blackheart and the Unit of CSM he was with advanced towards the middle of the board. The Forgefiend picked up the Relic and on my turn Typhus moved to engage with the Obliterators raining hell on the Daemon-forged monstrosity.
The next 2 Turns went by quickly, with the Heldrake, whose weapon was destroyed, hovering in the middle of the board and completely blocking line of sight for my Obliterators. Yuri was finally brought down as was Ebenezars' Plague Marines. The Obliterators obliterated the Heldrake in front of them as Typhus struck down the Forgefiend with a roar. We rolled to see if the game ended, and it did. I had held 2 Objectives to my opponent's 3, scored First Blood as well as destroyed my opponent's Heavy. I scored 8 VP with my opponent scoring 9.
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