Saturday, March 2, 2013

The new list for tomorrow's 2000 pt tournament

Alright, so the 2,000 point tournament is tomorrow. Some of the regulars will be at another event, but there should still be a dozen+ showing up. I'll likely lose points on the painting department, as just assembling and painting some of the minis ate up entire evenings, so I'll have to offset that by winning.

But first, behold my new Warlord, Molitor.

He's a kit-bash of the Chaos Space Marine Bike, with Chaos Terminator Lord cape and sundries, Chaos Biker Upgrade chest and head, as well as an arm wielding mace from one of the Chosen. And here's the list I'm taking tomorrow.


160 pts Chaos Lord Mark of Nurgle, Blight Grenades, Melta Bombs, Chaos Bike, The Black Mace, Veterans of the Long War


330 pts Plague Marines x10 Plasma gun x2, Icon of Despair, Melta Bombs, Power Fist x1, Combi-Plasmagun, Veterans of the LongWar

179pts Chaos Cultists x35 14 Autogun, 3 Flamer

179pts Chaos Cultists x35 14 Autogun, 3 Flamer

69pts Chaos Cultists x12 6 Autogun, 1 Flamer

69pts Chaos Cultists x12 6 Autogun, 1 Flamer

Fast Attack

259 pts Chaos Bikers x7 Mark of Nurgle, Icon of Despair, Meltagun x2, Melta Bombs, Veterans of the Long War

170 pts Heldrake Baleflamer

170 pts Heldrake Autocannon


140 pts Chaos Predator Twin-linked Lascannon, Lascannon sponsons

140 pts Chaos Predator Twin-linked Lascannon, Lascannon sponsons

135 pts Maulerfiend Lasher Tendrils

All told the model count is 117. The Predators, Maulerfiend, Heldrakes and Bikes should bring quite a bit of pain, with some Plague Marine Plasma back-up. We'll see how this one does. I'll leave you with the following image to haunt your dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely bit of kitbashing that. Very nice work on the Maulerfiend too.
