Game 4
This match was against Robert Mims’ Ork-decorated Tau. I, unfortunately, didn’t get any close-up shots of his models, but Robert had done an excellent job merging the aesthetics of Ork/Tau. Our mission was the Relic and our deployment was Dawn of War, with a bonus objective of scoring wounds on an objective which had to be placed at the same location as the Relic. Looking across the table I could tell I’d be in trouble with 2 Sky Rays and 2 units of Broadsides as well as 2 Riptides staring my bugs down. I rolled lucky with Psychic Powers getting Catalyst on both Hive Tyrants and a Tervigon, giving me hope that I wouldn’t be completely shot off the board. I went first and got Catalyst on 6 Units, then pushed the wave of bugs forward. I had my Hive Tyrants unload on the bonus objective, scoring a bunch of wounds, as there was nothing else deployed close enough for them to hit. My Hive Crones unleashed on 1 of the Sky Rays but didn’t blow it up and my Exocrines managed to kill a bunch of Kroot which were deployed closest to the Relic, but they made their Leadership check and didn’t fall back. Robert’s first turn didn’t go so great as he unleashed a furious barrage that barely scratched the Tyranids. If only it stayed like that until the end of the game. Robert hadn’t played the new bugs much, but as soon as he realized the Venomthrope was moving Shrouded saves, he marked it for death and its biomass was spread across the battlefield, getting Robert First Blood. One of my Crones was shot down and the other was Grounded and charged by the bravest squad of Kroot I’ve ever seen. I attempted to get my non-Warlord Hive Tyrant into close combat with my opponent’s Crisis Suit Warlord, but he got destroyed by the overwatch from nearby Broadsides that rolled 6s to hit on over half their dice. By the last turn I had a Tervigon who had claimed the relic and Catalyst on him. I figured I would take a withering amount of fire, but in the end, rolling dice didn’t work my way. 1 unit of Broadsides unloaded on the Tervigon, causing 7 wounds and all I rolled as saves were 1s and 2s. The Feel No Pain wasn’t much better as everything rolled was under a 5. My opponent had First Blood and Linebreaker and I had Linebreaker with my Hive Crone who was still in close combat with Kroot. I did get more wounds on the bonus objective, but still lost the game by 1 on the primary scoring.
Game 5
My last game at Railhead Rumble was against John Connelly’s Necrons. Our deployment was Dawn of War but the mission type was essentially a modified version of the Relic, but with 2 Relics deployed in each of our deployment zones. Sadly I didn’t get Catalyst once with Psychic Powers, and my opponent had a LOT of Wraiths and 3 Night Scythes holding his troops. I had deployed first and my opponent placed most of his army in 2 corners of his deployment zone. Turn 1 was pretty uneventful with Night-Fighting in effect and Tyranids’ short range not allowing me to do much shooting, but I was holding my flyers back in anticipation of my opponent’s Night Scythes entering the board. On turn 2, I moved my flyers towards John’s Relic, hoping to put pressure on his Warlord’s unit. With all the shooting I sent at him I only wounded 1 of his 3 Canoptek Spyders and the rest of the wounds were on his Warlord who didn’t fail a single 2+ save. John’s Night Scythes came on and did what I expected them to, they unleashed everything at my Warlord, bringing him down after all 3 Scythes fired their Teslas and netting John First Blood and Slay the Warlord. The following turns were mainly a Tervigon dying to close combat with Wraiths, Exocrines lighting up said robot shrimp and a unit of them removed by Termagant Fleshborers. Both my Exocrines were then tied up in close combat by the rest of the Wraiths as well as 1 30 man squad of Termagants. The other 30 Gant squad was headed towards my opponent’s Relic, but John had wisely joined a Destroyer Lord to Warriors from the single Night Scythe my Crones had been able to down before running out of Tentaclids. Those Warriors moved towards the Relic and were able to keep unit cohesion so the Destroyer Lord could do his 12" jump onto the Relic, claiming it for the Necrons in the last turn of the game. By the time dice down was called, my remaining Tervigon was holding onto my Relic and John’s Lord had his. John had First Blood, Slay the Warlord and Linebreaker and I just had Linebreaker with my Termagants.
Railhead Rumble was an exciting event and the first time I’d had an opportunity to use my painted Tyranids in an 1850 point battle. Overall I scored 9th place out of 50 (7th place if we’re counting ties as a single place) due to soft scores boosting my battle points. My last 3 games were against tough opponents/lists which ended up in the top 6th Overall. I recommend this annual tournament to anybody in the region who is looking for challenging games and a great environment!
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