Sunday, October 27, 2013

GW Store opening and starting on a new army

A Games Workshop store opened up in my city and I went to go check it out yesterday. It's a really small shop, but well stocked with lots of 40K, WFB and Hobbit models. They had 2 Realm of Battle boards and a 500pt 40K skirmish challenge. 500pts of Chaos Space Marines doesn't go very far and we had to use the force org chart. So I made due with Molitor, my Chaos Lord on a bike with the Mark of Nurgle, Power Maul, Blight Grenades, Sigil of Corruption and Burning Brand of Skalathrax. He brought along a 16 man Chaos Cultist squad with a flamer and 4 autoguns as well as a 15 man Cultist squad similarly decked out. Finally, the big guns were a Heldrake with Baleflamer. I played 3 rounds and got the following accolade for my efforts.

While it's nice for my Chaos Space Marines to have defeated a small Eldar and Space Marine force and to have tied an Ork force, there was no actual prize support. A percentage off a single purchase or $10 gift card would have resulted in me spending more than my time at the opening. But so it goes, I suppose. If I ever need to get something from GW that any of the other 3 independent game stores don't carry, I'll have an option other than the website.

And now, the big reveal. I've decided to roll with a Dark Angels army for the coming year. While I've had a blast learning the game and playing in a ton of tournaments with Chaos Space Marines, I have often felt the lists I've made to be too random (how many times in Feast of Blades did I lose my Daemon Prince in the first turn of Assault due to rolling a 1 on a Daemon Weapon, TOO MANY), as well as not fast enough. I'm an aggressive player and need an aggressive army CSM hasn't felt like its been that great a match. I always seemed to do best when I held to my side of the board, ideally with more points of objectives and my opponent has had to come to me. So with that in mind, as well as a lot of models from 2 boxes of Dark Vengeance, I'm rolling out with a Ravenwing-heavy force.

I'm in the assembly stage so far, but have constructed 2 6-man bike squads with attack bikes sporting multi-meltas.

In addition, I've constructed 2 10-man Tactical squads, from those same DV boxes as well as 4 models from the 40K paint set.

I'm in the process of constructing a Predator, as well as a Sammael models as well. Lots, and lots of hobbying to do before I can unleash this force onto the world!

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