From assembling models, painting & basing them, to fielding them on battlefields across the many galaxies fighting against the followers of the corpse emperor and pitiful xenos alike; I've been through an entire year of enjoying this hobby and what a ride it's been!
In this year I've assembled hundreds of plastic, resin and metal models. I've converted 5 bikers (including my Chaos Lord biker), 10 Plague Marines and a Daemon Prince. I've played a game of 40K in almost every single week of this year. Many weeks I got at least 2 games in. I've played in 5 games of Apocalypse, the latest being a multi-table event with over 100K points worth of painted models.
I've taken part in 16 tournaments this year. 13 were at my local gaming shop, which holds monthly competitions and I was able to squeak into the finalist end of year invitational. For that finalist tourney I finally brought the dreaded 3 Heldrake list but due to bad dice rolling there was only 1 game of 3 where at least one of those flyers showed up from reserves on Turn 2. Tau and Eldar got the top prizes that day, but it was still a blast.
In addition I've attended 3 national competitions, Alamo 40K GT, Wargames Con & Feast of Blades. In those events I got to step outside my local meta and throw dice with people from around the country. They were all fun events and I plan on going to them all again in 2014 and am thinking about adding the Las Vegas Open and Railhead Rumble to the list.
My plans for 2014 are to start up a Tyranid army, join an inter-city 40K league and get involved in local 40K tournaments at 2 additional stores. For now I've shelved my Chaos Space Marines army. It was a blast to play and a great introduction army for me to test my mettle with. I do have some unpainted and mostly painted models I aim to finish in 2014, in-between painting up 'Nids of course. But for now, they make an impressive decorative addition to my study.