Saturday, February 16, 2013

Woodsheddin' 2 Chaos Predator Tanks for my new list

Spending the next few hours on assembling, a little green stuffing and some painting on the Chaos Predator tanks that will be joining my roster. They'll be replacing my Obliterators as 2 of my Heavy support choices. So far I've fitted them with Lascannon sponsons and a Twin-linked Lascannon each. At their base cost, 5 points more than the price of a single Obliterator, I get a Predator. 65 additional points gets me 3 Lacannon shots. Efficiency in points is the name of the game to get as many models on the field as possible with my new list.

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely painted, especially for someone who is a relative beginner (or was at this point). Good work with the Green Stuff too.
